domingo, 9 de enero de 2011

Christmas Gifts Quiz. Scoring

Scoring: Give yourself 4 points for every "a" answer, 3 points for every "b" answer, 2 points for every "c" answer, and 1 point for every "d" answer. Add up your score.

What's your gift-giving personality?

14-16 points: The Gift Maven or Master - You love to shop and you relish gift-giving opportunities. You follow the latest trends, and it's important to you that your gifts reflect your personal taste and style.

10-13 points: The Thoughtful Giver - You put a tremendous amount of thought into your gifts, and your recipients are usually delighted when they open your heartfelt gifts.

6-9 points: The Practical Giver - You don't understand all the hoopla surrounding gift-giving occasions, and don't see why it needs to be an exercise in creativity. It's much easier to get someone a gift that you know they'll use. You've embraced the trend in giving gift cards, which takes the guesswork out of gift-giving.

5 points or less: The Obligatory Giver - You see holidays and special occasions as a conspiracy by the merchandising industry to force you to give gifts. It's not that you're stingy - you'd just prefer to give gifts when you feel like, rather than as dictated by the calendar.

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